
News and articles about Steadfast and what's happening in and around the structural repair and restoration industries.

T-Fix Used in Marine Repair

Kuzma Minin Falmouth

On Tuesday, December 18, 2018, the Russian bulk cargo ship, Kuzma Minin, dragged anchor and grounded just off Falmouth in Cornwall.

Kuzma Minin run aground

The ship had no freight aboard but did have 18 crew. She began to drag anchor in gale force winds gusting at up to 74mph at around 3am and grounded two hours later.

Although the ship re-floated on the next high water, she was later found to have damage to a fuel tank and to her hull.

Kuzma Minin grounded in Falmouth

So, what has this got to do with Steadfast you may well ask?
Well the clue is in the title of this article.

Due to debts relating to the ship and its state of disrepair, the ship was seized and then sold to the highest bidder for scrap. However, the ship needed to be made seaworthy so it can be removed for demolition.

That job was taken on by our client Seawide Services Limited. Along with other repairs they were tasked with executing temporary repairs to a number of large sections of the hull.
Steadfast have supplied a large quantity of T-Fix, our extremely versatile epoxy repair putty. Once thoroughly mixed, the two-part putty is perfect for marine repair because not only does it act as a water stop and set solid, but it can also be applied underwater!

Seawide’s specialist repair crew use diving equipment to dive down to the hull to carry out the repairs. Although it is quite difficult to see what has been done and where, you can clearly see the large grey areas of T-Fix in these photographs that have been sent to us by Seawide.

T-Fix Marine Repair - temporary repair to ship's hull
Temporary repair to hull using T-Fix
T-Fix Marine Repair - temporary repair to ship's hull
Underwater repairs to ships hull using T-Fix

Find out more about T-Fix and its versatility.

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