
News and articles about Steadfast and what's happening in and around the structural repair and restoration industries.

Heritage Conservation and Structural Stabilisation Workshops in India

City Palace - Udaipur

In association with Appex Innovation, Steadfast managing director Steve Newman is on a tour of India carrying out workshops on heritage conservation and structural stabilisation.

India has a wealth of historical buildings including brick and stone built temples, palaces and forts and a large number have suffered extensive damage at the hands of the elements. Along with Ankur Vora of Appex and Dave Chadwick of Thor Helical, Steve is demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of Jahn Repair Mortars for repairing brick and natural stone along with the tried and tested methods of masonry stabilisation using helical bar and anchoring products.

City Palace - Udaipur 2
City Palace – Udaipur

On Tuesday and Wednesday the team were at the City Palace, Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan. Construction of the palace began in the 1550’s and although completed in the 16th Century it was further developed over a period of nearly 400 years.
The Palace is occupied by His Highness Shri Arvind Singh Mewar, the 76th custodian of the Mewar Dynasty.

Shri Arvind Singh Mewar
His Highness Shri Arvind Singh Mewar (centre) pictured with his family along with Dave, Ankur and Steve.

To demonstrate the versatility and workability of Jahn Repair Mortars and as a gift to Shri Arvind Singh Mewar, a stone carving of his head was created using Jahn M70 Natural Stone Repair Mortar – Limestone.

Head carving
Head carving using Jahn M70 Limestone
Head carving - Shri Arvind Singh Mewar
The finished carving of His Highness Shri Arvind Singh Mewar

A demonstration of stone restoration was also carried out.

Stone restoration demonstration
Stone restoration demonstration

A masonry stabilisation demonstration was also carried out using Thor Helical long helical bar.

Helical Crack Stitching Demonstration
Crack stitching using long helical bar

We will bring you further pictures and updates as the tour progresses.

For more information on heritage conservation products please browse our website or contact the office on 0333 210 1410.

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