Steadfast Specialist Training Workshops

At our training facility in Somerset, we have a range of walls and props that replicate common structural faults and masonry repair scenarios that are regularly found in the field.
This enables us to provide realistic, hands-on training. From straight forward crack stitching, brick tinting and brick repair to more technical issues such as lateral restraint, lintel repair and ornate stone repair.
Offering this additional service to our clients gives them the opportunity to further develop their existing skills and to build new ones. This increases the number of services that they are able to offer to their own clients.
Recent Courses
We recently hosted a team of Surface Medics. The guys from Surface Medics are regular users of our Total Wall Care® Brick Repair and Brick Tinting products and our Lime Restoration Mortar range of stone repair. Along with learning some new techniques for the use of these products, they were particularly interested in learning more about our HelicalFix® Structural Repair Products. Following a very full and successful day, the guys will be returning for further training and shadowing a team of Steadfast installers on site to further develop their skills whilst they work their way to becoming Certified Installers.
We have also recently hosted a tailored, four-day, Next Generation Methods of Masonry & Structural Repair training workshop for a joint group from Goldhawk Restoration and Stress UK. Both teams are already skilled in the use of helical bar techniques for structural reinforcement, but were keen to develop their skills for residential properties and were particularly interested in our Lime Restoration lime-based Historical Grout for the encapsulation of helical bar. The guys were very impressed with both the performance of the product and the fact that it negates the need for repointing because it is available in a wide range of colours and grades to match the existing mortar.
The guys from Goldhawk and Stress also spent a large part of their time with us learning about the Total Wall Care range of products. As well as repairing and tinting bricks, they learned techniques for replicating brick and stone facades using the product like a render and cutting, carving, and tinting the profile. A great deal was learned during the workshop and the guys were particularly impressed with the workability of the repair mortars.
Bespoke Training
Our training workshops can be tailored to your specific needs so please contact us to discuss your requirements. For an overview, please visit our training page HERE
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Categories: Helical, Lateral Restraint, Lime, Steadfast News, Structural Repair, Total Wall Care, Wall Ties